While being in quarantine, I think we're all discovering things about ourselves. About our relationship with our families and friends, and with God.
In these past couple months, I don't think I've ever had such a desire to get to know God more. To fix my relationship with Him.
I've gotten back into my habit of getting up early, but instead of doing school as I was before, I've started reading my Bible. My alarm goes off at about 6:20, and I normally get myself out of bed a little before seven. (I'm still not really a morning person.)
I make some coffee, then while that's brewing, I get dressed and wash my face to help wake me up. Then I'll grab my coffee and head back up to my room. I'll make my bed really quick to help me feel more organized and put together, and then with the sun rise streaming through my window that faces the East, the window open and letting in a fresh breeze, I do my reading.
It is so gorgeous that I really have started to fall in love with my morning by myself. My mom asks how I can stand getting up early, (we're not really early morning people), and I just describe the beautiful scene that I get to see from my window of the sun rising. The clouds - if there are any - are a mix of orange and a soft pink, and there's a golden glow that streams through my ivory, sheer curtains, the sounds of the birds chirping a good morning, and the spring breeze that comes through my window and smells so fresh.
With my morning routine that I love so much, I've started to strengthen my belief in God. I've become more confident in speaking out about Him. I've learned things, also. Romans is one of my favorite books in the Bible, and this is probably the third time I've gone through it.
I know that doesn't sound like a lot, and to be honest, I've never read the whole Bible.
At the moment, I'm basically a baby Christian. Or a new Christian. When I was fourteen, I gave up on God and decided that I didn't think He was actually real. After that, I struggled with depression a lot. After my eighteenth birthday, I finally told my mom about what all was going on. And that really helped. I don't know why, but having her know helped me to let go of some things.
I've been working on rediscovering God since the day I talked with her, so... I am a new Christian once again. Trying to figure out how it is God wants me to live, working on my trust and belief in Him, and having a relationship with Him.
A lot of people I know aren't happy with this quarantine, but why don't we take our minds off of the things we can't change or fix, and focus on the things we can? We can look at how we are living our lives. Are we drifting away from God, or are we coming closer to Him through all of this?
Are we taking this time that we have been given now to actually read our Bibles, when before we said we were 'too busy'?
God knows what is going on. He knows what will happen, but for right now, maybe He's testing us. Maybe He's saying, 'I've given you this time, take a good look at how you're living your life.'
I hope everyone is staying safe, washing their hands, and will maybe take the time to reconnect with God on a deeper level.