I had this sentence pop into my head today: 'Every single day is a blank page.'
Maybe I heard this somewhere else or from someone else, I can't remember. If so, credit to this person.
But this really struck me, because there are a lot of things that I've done in my past that I wish I hadn't. Things that I wish I could go back in time and redo that moment so I could make the better choice.
But then this little sentence came to me, and smacked me full force in the face with: you can't change your past, but you can consider your future.
Wow... Now, I have an assignment for you. All the memories of things you wish you hadn't done, all the things you wish you could redo or fix, think about them for a second, or write them down.
Then tell those thoughts or words, 'you don't own me'. Jesus came to earth to give us forgiveness of our sins, but if we keep them in a locked box and keep the key so we can drown ourselves in our sorrows and those thoughts again, how is that using His grace and forgiveness to move on?
When we accept Him into our hearts and lives, we are a new creation, so don't keep looking back on your former self and regretting it. Don't let your past control the actions of your future. Don't worry about them. Don't stress over them, because what is stressing going to do?
Absolutely nothing.
You can't change your past, but you can consider your future.
So my dear... consider your future, and consider it hard because it's important. And I hope that you have God in your sights for that future.